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People Appreciate and never forget that helping hand especially when the time is tough
We rise by lifting other
A hand loses nothing by holding others hand
Kindness is all about giving and has nothing to do with getting
Service to humanity is service to God
Helping others is the secret sauce to a happy life
There is nothing more beautiful than some who goes out of their way to make the life beautiful for others
No One has ever become Poor by giving
When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully everyone is blessed
You Have to list a person up before you can really put then in their place
Strong People Don't Put Others Down They Lift Then UP
One of the most important things you can do on this earth is to let people know they are not alone
No one is useless in this world who lightness the burdens of another
There is no exercise better fir the heart than reaching down and lifting people up
Some People Are like birds you help then to fly and once they are in the air they shit on you
The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page
Once a year go someplace you have never been before
Do Something Today That Your Future self will Thank you for
Fall Seven Times and Stand Up Eight
Some People Dream Of Success While Others wake up and work
People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do
The Best Way To Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing
Failure Will Never Overtake Me If My Determination To Succeed Is Strong Enough
I Cannot give you the formula for success but i can give you the formula for failure it is try to please everybody
If you really want to do something you will find a way if  you don't you will find an excuse
Don't let the fear of losing be greater than the excitement of wining
It's Truly a blessing to have a loyal friend in this fake world
Friends Till The End
He who angers you conquers you
Darkness cannot drive out darkness only light can do that hate cannot drive out hate only love can do that
The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision.
If you tell the truth you don;t have to remember anything
Self Reverence Self Knowledge Self Control these three alone lead to power
For Every Minute You Are Angry You Lose Sixty Seconds Of Happiness
Life Has No Limitations Except The Ones You Make
Mothers can look through a child's Eyes and see tomorrow
Someone is about to become very happy tonight
Strong People are ones who can smile for others happiness
Too Many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears
The Real Man Smiles In Trouble Gather strength from distress and grows brave by reflection
To be great champion you must believe you are the best if your pretend you are
A Friend To All Is A Friend To None
Believe And Act As If It Were Impossible To Fail
Strive Not To Be A Success But Rather To Be Of Value
If You Cannot Do Great Things Do Small Things In A Great Way
Be Who You Are Say What You Feel,